Why was my order cancelled?Updated 2 years ago
We cancel orders for the following reasons:
Our system detected possible fraud.
You should have received an email from [email protected] explaining the different root causes and how to solve any outstanding issues.
Learn more about our NoFraud system at https://paperlike.com/pages/nofraud-alert.
Your address wasn't correct, and you haven't replied to our emails.
To ensure successful delivery, our shipping providers proactively check for incomplete address details and other required information before shipping a product to its intended destination.
When the shipper requests additional information, we will notify you twice via [email protected] over the course of three (3) weeks. If we haven’t received a response, the order is automatically cancelled.
Don’t worry
If your order has been cancelled, you are welcome to place a new order through our website. Click here to get started.
Please get in touch using the chat below if you need additional information regarding your order cancellation.