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What to do if the tracking link doesn't provide enough details or isn't working?Updated a year ago

Please wait for Updates: Sometimes, it takes a few hours for the tracking information to update in the carrier’s system. If you've just received your tracking link, give it a little time.

If the main tracking link is not providing enough details:

If you're not getting the information you need from the primary tracking link, don't worry! 

We've compiled a list of alternative tracking links for different countries. These links lead to local courier services or international tracking platforms that might offer more detailed insights into the status of your order.

Find your country in the list and use the corresponding link to track your order:

NameLinkPost name
Albania Shqiptare
Australia Post
Austria Post
Bosnia and Herzegovina Posta Post
Czech Republic Online
France Poste
Hong Kong Kong Post
Hungary Posta
Italy Italiane (paste the tracking number in the "CERCA SPEDIZIONI" field)
Malta Post
Netherlands (Select the Country of destination - write the Postal Code and paste the tracking number)
Poland Polska
Romania Romana
Spain de España
Sweden Nord
Switzerland Post or Die Post
Turkey Post or PTT
UK Mail
United States of America
Vietnam Post

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